Analyst Contacts
The below overview pertains to analysts currently covering Pharming Group N.V. It may not be complete or accurate, and Pharming Group N.V. undertakes no obligation to update the information contained herein. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts made by the analysts and their respective brokerage firms are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Pharming Group N.V. or its management. Pharming Group N.V. does not by its reference or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions, or recommendations.
The following research institutions cover Pharming Group N.V. and publish research reports on the Company. To obtain a copy of these research reports, please contact the respective analysts: First Berlin Research | H.C. Wainwright | Jefferies | Kempen Healthcare | Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. | Portzamparc | RBC Capital Markets